Add Employers

The Employer tab allows you to record the patient’s employment information. It contains fields related to the patient’s employer(s). This includes information such as the employer name, occupation, address, and contact information.

Note: Some institutions choose to skip adding the employer information. You can still add insurance without adding employer information.

If configured by your institution, this can be used to link the employer’s insurance plan to the patient.

If a patient has multiple employers, you can set one as primary and add other employers afterward.

Children, self-employed patients, and patients who have contracted insurance (such as Medicaid) do not require employer information. For these patients, skip to Add Insurance Benefit Plans.

To add an employer to a patient:

  1. With the Patient Info window open, click the Employer tab.
  2. Complete the fields as necessary and click the Add a new Record () icon to add the employer entry to the list below.